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For International Tax • Corporate Reorganization • Mergers & Acquisitions and other complicated tax consultations, it’s MAS Tax Consulting.


Mas Tax Consulting Co. Ltd. Site Map

Return to Mas Tax Consulting Co. Ltd. website’s homepage.
Guide to professional fees for Mergers&Acquisitions, Tax Consultations and rates per hour.

LinkIconCompany split in Canada and how it relates to our country’s tax system.

LinkIconTax-related issues when a parent company takes the responsibilty of paying the imposed fines and damages on an overseas subsidiary.

LinkIconThe problems involving the Tax Treaty when a French subsidiary makes an investment in kind.

LinkIconTax-related issues involving transfer of a trademark from their American company.

LinkIconDealing with a case where a company willingly paid the corporation tax in order for the effective tax rate of a Swiss subsidiary to exceed 25%.

LinkIconVoluntary conveyance of overseas business rights.

LinkIconTax-related issues involving a license agreement with an American corporation. (1)

LinkIconTax-related issues involving a license agreement with an American corporation. (2)

LinkIconTax-related issues involving assets and liabilities belonging to an overseas branch that were invested into an overseas joint venture.

LinkIconTaxation issues involving the compensation for transfer of rights of a piecework corporation.

LinkIconTaxation issues when a parent company shoulders the market development cost of an overseas subsidiary.

LinkIconTaxation issues on the expenditure of provision of information for an overseas subsidiary.

LinkIconHandling of debt forgiveness in the United States.

LinkIconTaxation issues when second-hand machines are handed over to a China subsidiary.

LinkIconIntroducing the Lecturer

LinkIconDifference between Tax Evasion and Tax Avoidance

LinkIconThe profitability of Love Hotels.

LinkIconInheritance tax countermeasures

LinkIconInheritance tax countermeasures for individuals with billions worth of assets

LinkIconHow to utilize insurance

LinkIconHow to ensure profit for those starting a business

LinkIconChoosing the right tax counselor

LinkIconWhat are Private banks

LinkIconWhat is Corporate Restructuring

LinkIconWhat is the Vulture Fund

LinkIconThe cost of guaranteed lifetime medical bills

LinkIconFor people looking to buy corporations

LinkIconFor business owners who have no choice but to make their company yield profit

LinkIconSelling and buying a medical corporation

LinkIconTaxes and internet businesses

LinkIconHow real estate value is determined

LinkIconHow to handle a tax investigation well

LinkIconWhat is a consolidated taxation system?

LinkIconTo get your company listed in the stock market

LinkIconWhat to do when you encounter a tax problem that is hard to understand

LinkIconTax on gifts for children living overseas

LinkIconThe age possible to subscribe to insurance

LinkIconWhat Japan’s capitalism lacks.

LinkIconWhat is commodity tax?

LinkIconWhat is happiness?

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